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podConx prevents advertisers from using generic advertising pricing matrix


  • Cannabis business and consumers are harder to reach because Facebook, google, Instagram… prohibit cannabis advertising. Since there are less ways to reach cannabis businesses and consumers, cannabis podcast downloads are much more valuable than other podcast genres.

  • In addition, basing the value solely on the number of downloads ignores the benefit of touching hard to reach businesses / consumers and overlooks the loyalty that nitche podcast host’s have with their listeners.

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 PodConX revolutionary monetization platform rewards nitche podcasts.

  • Advertisers focus on the quality of the audience not the downloads by paying a flat fee for access to those potential customers.

  • If the podcast approves the ad it is automatically inserted into the it’s entire catalog of shows for the duration of the campaign.

  • Podcast receive 60% of the revenue.

  • Podcasts always retain 100% of all the advertising revenue that they sell directly (not through PodConX) and may insert & extract their commercial into any or all of their episodes with unlimited, free access to Simplecasts MAE (Dynamic Ad Insertion) tools.

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How does PodConX Advertising work?

  1. Advertiser completes the PodConX Commercial Submission Form; selecting the podcast(s), commercial’s length, it’s placement, the start date, how many weeks and a script.

  1. Podcast are immediately notified via email with a form containing information about the advertiser and their script.

  2. If the podcast approves the advertiser they click the audio button on the form and record the script from their computer or phone directly to the form and hit submit.

  3. Advertisers are billed upon approval and commercial is inserted when payment is received and removed when the campaign ends.

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