"Grandma Cat" Jeter
"Grandma Cat" Jeter
Guest Name: "Grandma Cat" Jeter
Publicist's or Assistant's Name:
Guest Email: CatJeter@gmail.com
Company Name: Grandma Cat's FECO Drops
Website: GrandmaCatExtracts.com
Guest's Biography:
Lifelong activist Grandma Cat Jeter is a mother, grandmother, business woman, cold war Army veteran, world traveler, and electoral candidate who celebrates her 1973 canna-versary annually. Working as both a producer and accountant in the emerging Washington cannabis industry, Grandma Cat found a pressing need for compassionate children’s and veteran access to tested herbal medicine. In 2010 she founded Deep Green Extracts, an exclusively full extract cannabis oil company to provide pure, potent, always tested, cannabis extracts for the early medical cannabis community and fund her compassionate goals. Since that time, G’ma Cat has become an acknowledged freedom firebrand and compassionate healer, well versed in various cannabinoid ratios, full extract and micro-dose therapies and frequently works directly with medical professionals for best patient outcomes. G’ma Cat embraces the value of all cannabis plants from certified hemp to high THC, their respective cannabinoids and crafts exacting cannabinoid ratios for individuated dosing.. In addition to launching easier internet access to her boutique products this year at GrandmaCatExtracts.com, G’ma Cat and her companion, Indica the Canna-dawg, have spent the pandemic safely quarantined, working on her memoir, and freely sharing her expertise and produce via Grandma Cat on Facebook, Youtube and occasionally Instagram as GrandmaCatExtracts. 2023 looks to be the year that Grandma will get back out on the Pacific Northwest cannabis and healing festival circuit to collect past due hugs and reunite the Canna-Family. She is looking forward to resuming the push for Freedom rather than Legalization.
Area(s) of Expertise:
Exclusively a full extract cannabis oil (FECO) manufacturer and consultant widely known on the West Coast states and to a limited degree nationally. (featured in High Times April 2022, and the Pacific Northwest publications) Specific dosing specificity--how to calibrate your own meds and individual dosing consultation Veteran and minor child compassionate provider and consulting practitioner Frequent speaker at early cannabis business events including CannaCon but "too outlaw" now days Perhaps the most important thing about me is I follow my moral compass which, although I helped to establish legal cannabis in WA state, leaves me at odds with my state and returned me to outlaw status after originally putting the first extracting firm on the record with the state in 2010. Life is strange, but my moral compass is true and I will help anyone who needs help; I long ago quit worrying about the legal status of my healthful drops.