Kelly Perez


Kelly Perez, Co-Founder Kelly is the CEO/co-founder of kindColorado and President/co-founder of Cannabis Doing Good and co-founder/ED for the Cannabis Impact Fund (CIF). This first of its kind effort joins national anti-racism efforts like the Black Futures Lab, the Color of Change, and the Bail Project, as well as, supporting the homegrown racial justice efforts of the Hood Incubator, M4MM and MCBA. kindCO, CDG and the CIF put into action cannabis partnerships to support equity/justice, positive community impact, and environmental sustainability to help to shift the cannabis narrative---from the War on Drugs, to a cultural sea change where opportunities are equitable, policy is just, communities benefit, and cannabis is a circular economic practice. Kelly is a mom, an adjunct professor at the University of Denver and works to continuously improve local, state and national policy to benefit the community. Courtney Mathis, Co-Founder Courtney is CEO/co-founder of Cannabis Doing Good, President/co-founder of kindColorado, and co-ED/founder of the Cannabis Impact Fund, exclusively focused on racial justice in cannabis for the next year. She has 15 years of experience creating opportunities for businesses, communities, and nonprofit brands to collaborate for mutual benefit. The last five years she has specialized in creating opportunities for cannabis businesses to engage with nonprofits, neighborhood groups, and other sector leaders. Courtney is a mom and wife and a huge fan of science fiction. Courtney and Kelly train, speak and advise on equitable policy initiatives across the US and Canada and proudly support strategic partners such as the Minority Cannabis Business Association, Women Grow, Marijuana Business Magazine, Minorities for Medical Marijuana, and Drug Policy Alliance. Additionally, their work has been featured in Forbes, ABC News, Canada’s, The Star, Marijuana Business Magazine, Marijuana Moment, Pacific Standard, Colorado Public Radio, The Nonprofit Quarterly, CBS Local, and many other cannabis-trade magazines. Additionally, they were featured in Green Entrepreneur as one of the top 100 cannabis companies in the country. In 2020, kindColorado has prioritized its company pro-bono hours on equity and diversity initiatives across the country and Cannabis Doing Good will be launching their Standard and Membership Program.
