Breakthrough Babe


Hey there! Welcome to the Breakthrough Babe Podcast! I am your host, Jen Gitomer, creator of Breakthrough Babe and author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute. And it is time to make massive breakthroughs in YOUR business. With each episode, you are going to move past your fears of asking for the sale, learn to build a deep connections that lead to meaningful business results, and master sales strategies that will help you grow and scale your business. Each week, I will be providing you with tips to avoid common mistakes in your business, tech hacks to help you grow and scale faster, and teach you to ALWAYS ask for the sale with confidence. It is time for you, the Breakthrough Babe, to create more sales, income and connections in your business. Let’s get started! For more information about the podcast, the membership and other tools for making sales and growing your business, check out Connect with me on Social Media: IG: @jengitomer Facebook: Jennifer Gitomer
