Stephanie Graziano


Graziano brings a wealth of experience to the top leadership role at Sensi Media. She is the Co-Founder of Green Flower Media, Inc, the world's largest producer of Cannabis education and training, as well as a 30-year veteran of the entertainment industry having held executive level positions with Marvel Entertainment, DreamWorks Animation, Fox Kids Network, and The Walt Disney Company. Graziano also served as president of her own successful Animation Studio, Graz Entertainment. “As Sensi continues to evolve into a truly dynamic cannabis lifestyle media brand we wanted a leader who has not only been in the room for many iconic media and entertainment companies, she has led them. In my time working with Stephanie, it’s been clear that she has not only been connected to the heart of Sensi since day one, she is the right person to lead Sensi Media into the additional mediums and channels that she helped revolutionize in the cannabis industry and across the mainstream divide,” said Sensi founder Ron Kolb during the company-wide announcement. Graziano’s diverse background across the business landscape also brings a proven track record in community building, content development, licensing and merchandising, as well as functional corporate stewardship and oversight.
